Me And My Fellow NaNoers

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

So behind on NaNo..
and so depressed, about little things.
maybe ill just sit here and write all night.
need to get up on my word count, like bad.

"--&&on that night, i lost the best friend i had ever, and would ever have."--To Kiss and Tell, NaNo 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Taste Of Awesome - FMS #62

Taste Of Awesome - FMS #62

in my spare time i found this...

it tis a FAIL of EPIC proportion and a FAIL of NO RETURN,



Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 5 and Counting.

its day five. i woke up this morning and started typing right away. im now up to 5,740 words. and i only need 8,335. so just 2,600 more!!! for today, and to be officially caught up. i can do eet!!! but first i have to hang out with the boyfriend<3 then i might have to go to a party..maybe.

BUT after all that. i shall write 2,600 words. Dont i wish my life was normal. . well actually no i dont wish my life was normal, cause that would be no fun. besides [[normal]] people scare me..

wish me luck(: :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

NaNo day FOUR...

Ive been delaying writing all day. Now it is time that i write about 3000 words and meet my goal for the day.

I can do it. i BELEIVE in me! haha :)

i will have 50000 words come november 30th . . . even if it is the last thing i do!!!!

but i think i need to stop procrastinating and write.

just 3000 big deal, right? ;)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Type. Type. Click. :)

well i have been typing for a while now.. i am very behind

and my phone is being so stupid. so jj, im sorry for not texting back yesterday, but it is very retarded and wont let me send a message to you -_- im gonna try to fix it though.

i must write about 5000 more words today. >.> oh boy..
i might not survive this month

NaNo Site..

it hates me today..

....i am at a loss with it, it wins. i will not pull up the forums for now:(

Monday, November 1, 2010

NaNoWriMo Begins

it began about 20 hours ago..i had no internet or phone all day. :(

now i do. and im typing away:)

im getting to my goal :)

i shall win :)

My Panda:)