Me And My Fellow NaNoers

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

12:10 AM :/

WELL...its 12:10 am and i CANNOT sleep. time is ticking away and im just laying here, doing nothing..

i should probably try to sleep because i have a busy day tomorrow, but i just CANT. to much is going on in my head.. the party(did i happen to mention that im having a party friday? well i am and its heckic here because of that and on top of that nano is now just 3 DAYS away! so my life is pretty crazy right now.

And...Gahh, is it hot in here? maybe its just me.

anyways, i thought about planning some more, but didnt. which i should be instead of doing this. ohh well. ill do that tomorrow at 5 when im still up..STRESSING over stupid little things. As Always.
and suddenly im getting very tired ... the more i type,  the more my brain is shutting down. but i MUST NOT sleep.

Or maybe i will.

Well i guess i need to be getting off here. to plan, or sleep, or do something random. idk!


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